CUBE CSS with Tailwind CSS

An example of how you can use Tailwind CSS as the U (utilities) in CUBE CSS. It also uses the following:

  1. Every Layout layouts as compositional layouts (the C in CUBE CSS)
  2. Utopia for fluid type and spacing scales
  3. Post CSS to bundle up CSS files

Check out the source.

Fluid type and space

This is already being fluidly spaced using Utopia, global styles and a flow utility. Job done. Let’s render the type scale for fun though.

Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique
Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique
Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique
Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique
Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique
Fringilla Vestibulum Risus Nullam Tristique

Every Layout Compositions

I’m not a fan of breakpoint-based layout and as a co-author of Every Layout, it probably comes as no surprise I use those in projects. Here's a couple of handy ones.



We stack
When there is not enough space for us to be inline.


Items that cluster
But stack where space is limited
Aenean Commodo Vestibulum
Ornare Lorem Pharetra
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo
Ipsum Etiam Tristique Quam

Check out the source.